Fierce Love

"Our North Star is Love.

And I don't mean like wimpy nappy pappy love. I'm talking about the
kind of Love that James Baldwin says, that Love is a Growing Up.

Love is Hard. Love Takes Risks. Yes, Love is Revolutionary.
Love is Fierce. Love Demands the Truth.
Love Listens to the Hard Things.
Love Hangs In & Sticks In When the Going Gets Tough.
Love Cries Tears but then Gets Moving & Makes a Way Out of No Way.

That's what I need white accomplices to do:
Love Me & My People Hard Enough to Work to Make an Anti-Racist Nation."

- Reverend Jacqui Lewis

This Fierce Love that Reverend Jacqui Lewis speaks of is something I teach in the Abundant Living online course when it comes to creating Fierce and Loving Boundaries. It's the type of Love that's not afraid to stop behaviors both internally and externally that are creating harm or draining energy. It's a Love that knows that speaking up and saying, "No," "Stop," or, "This isn't working," is not selfish or unkind, but rather is necessary in creating the highest outcome for everyone involved.

Jacqui asked for this Love to drive us to work towards anti-racism. It's a Love that knows that we all have a part in creating change, which I agree with wholeheartedly - most especially as a privileged white woman.

This quote speaks volumes to me as well because I can imagine other oppressed groups speaking similar words:

Love Me & My People Hard Enough to Work to Make a Nation
Where We Truly Feel Loved, Welcomed, Safe & At Home.”

I am ready to do the work. I am ready to relinquish my own complacency. I am ready to be part of the change for myself and for others. I know my readiness means taking action towards structural change - voting, signing petitions, emailing and calling those in power, protesting and more - but it also means taking action against the racism and the other biases and prejudices against oppressed groups that live in my own mind and heart, because otherwise I'm perpetuating the very thing I supposedly stand against. 

Today I wanted to share one education opportunity that is helping me do this internal work specifically around racism. It's by the very woman who spoke the profound words at the start of this email: Reverend Jacqui Lewis. 

The Call of This Moment: An Anti-Racism Masterclass with Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Ph.D. is a 3 hour training that helps you become aware of and start to rewire the story of race that has been forced upon us - both on societal and personal levels. 

Jacqui is authentic, insightful and deeply, yet Fiercely, Loving. She guides with grace and vulnerability. It is well worth the time, energy and investment!

Click here to purchase it now for only $25.

I am ready to Love Fiercely. And I'm ready for that Love to help me and my community Grow, Transform and Create Real Sustainable Change.

Are you with me?

With Big Love,

UPDATE: If you enjoyed the first workshop with Reverend Jacqui Lewis, be sure to take her follow up workshops and courses to deepen your education and healing. Find more information and sign up here.