Posts in Trauma
Face Fears & Gain Confidence: Feel at home in your body

Whenever we go out of our comfort zone to attempt something new, it can be terrifying. And the bigger the leap, the more likely old limiting beliefs are going to crop up like weeds to keep you "safe." 

Today's Ask Kelsey question touches on the part of us that is worried about taking flight and the answer is all about coming home to and feeling safe in our bodies - in this moment, just as we are. 

The more safe and embodied we feel, the more we can be present and available to newness because we start to realize that we are already safe, no matter where we go, what we do or what we choose to accomplish…

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Sometimes Abundance Feels Uncomfortable - And That's Okay

When we claim a new level of abundance our life shifts - how we manage our time, listen to our body, spend our money and navigate our day-to-day changes. These changes may be exactly what we desire, but when we actually step into them it might feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable, even terrifying.

This is because making changes also means loss. We lose an old part of ourselves, an old habit, or an old routine that felt comforting and safe.

Alongside loss, we also have to be prepared to receive.

We can be given the most amazing gifts in the entire world, but if we feel unworthy, we will not enjoy them...

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The Spectrum of Sensitivity

A few of the participants in the most recent round of my course, Abundant Living for the Sensitive Soul, told me how surprised they were at their own sensitivity.

They had never considered themselves to be highly sensitive people, had opted into the course because they wanted to gain the tools to clear their path to abundance, but the course also helped them recognize their own sensitivity and then honor and celebrate it in order to be their best selves in the world.

Additionally, in the process of marketing the course I’ve had many people tell me that they didn’t think it was geared towards them because they weren’t sensitive at all.

This was all very interesting to me and got me thinking more about sensitivity and how people experience it...

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Cycles of Abundance & Tips to Navigate Endings with Grace

Throughout this past winter I taught the first round of Abundant Living for the Sensitive Soul, an online course that gives people practical tools to claim their most abundant life.

I have taught quite a few online courses and they were all wonderful in their own right, but this course felt different. I was able to share all of me - all my tools, all my life experience, all sides of my authentic self - and I had the privilege of not just sharing the tools with the participants and watching them soar, but reapplying the tools to my own life and witnessing my own desires come to fruition...

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Speak your truth this holiday season: A tool to release tension and anger

Excitement rises during the holiday season. Love, joy, delight, they all make star-studded appearances, but with all the energy, tension and stress sometimes...

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