A quick and easy self-care practice for busy moms

Too busy for self-care? Having trouble refilling between work and family life? Then today’s Ask Kelsey video is for you.

Our question comes from an entrepreneurial mom curious about something she can do every single day that is quick and easy to help her stay connected to herself.

Entrepreneurial mom or not, anyone who is running around forgetting to put themselves at the top of the list can benefit from this question.

Watch the video below for my answer, including a simple healing tool to help you feel connected and present that only takes 2 minutes.

As I mentioned in the video, I love creating a Daily Self-Love Practice that is made up of 2 fairly simple actions: 1) A Healing Tool and 2) Something That Brings You Joy.

A Healing Tool just means something that is specifically nourishing. It helps you remove stress and feel connected, calm and refilled. Use the Think Of An X Brain Gym tool I offer in the video or something else - like meditation (receive a free meditation by signing up on my e-newsletter here), prayer, other Brain Gym tools, acupressure tapping points, time in silence, Yoga poses, breathing techniques, etc.

Something That Brings You Joy is exactly as it sounds. Take some time to think about what lights you up. For me my daily practices of joy have been singing, being around trees, dancing, drawing, painting, and more. Choose one thing that is calling your name right now. Remember that even this can be just a few minutes of your day, so be creative in how you integrate it into your routine.

You can always switch up your daily practice as you go along, but consistently doing these two things every day will make a huge difference in your overall energy and vitality.

If you are new to a daily self-love practice and have trouble maintaining it then click here to download and watch my free Self-Care From Scratch webinar.

Also, if you are a mama looking for more healing tools that are specifically for you, as well as many that you can enjoy with your kids, click here to learn about my More Than Mom Online Course.

Thank you for tuning in!

If you have a question that you would love more support around, click here to submit it. Otherwise, keep taking excellent care of you and I’ll be in touch soon.

So much love,


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