Posts in Self-Care
A quick and easy self-care practice for busy moms

Too busy for self-care? Having trouble refilling between work and family life? Then today’s Ask Kelsey video is for you.

Our question comes from an entrepreneurial mom curious about something she can do every single day that is quick and easy to help her stay connected to herself.

Entrepreneurial mom or not, anyone who is running around forgetting to put themselves at the top of the list can benefit from this question.

Watch the video below for my answer, including a simple healing tool to help you feel connected and present that only takes 2 minutes…

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Face Fears & Gain Confidence: Feel at home in your body

Whenever we go out of our comfort zone to attempt something new, it can be terrifying. And the bigger the leap, the more likely old limiting beliefs are going to crop up like weeds to keep you "safe." 

Today's Ask Kelsey question touches on the part of us that is worried about taking flight and the answer is all about coming home to and feeling safe in our bodies - in this moment, just as we are. 

The more safe and embodied we feel, the more we can be present and available to newness because we start to realize that we are already safe, no matter where we go, what we do or what we choose to accomplish…

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Keep your emotions in check when your child pushes you to the limits

Kids are incredible. We love them unconditionally and simultaneously they can be beyond frustrating and drive us to a point of rage where we don’t recognize ourselves. 

Today’s Ask Kelsey is about what to do when your efforts of kind reminders have failed and your blood starts to boil…

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Feeling extra sensitive due to PMS hormone cycles? 3 tips to help!

This topic is very near and dear to my heart as periods and period healing have been a HUGE part of my personal journey.

It is an honor to share a few tools that have transformed my ability to navigate those times when I am feeling super sensitive, especially when you still have to “be on” at work.

Remember that it’s okay to feel and the more you allow yourself to go through versus resist and hold back the feelings, the faster you’ll reach the other side. That may mean doing these activities before you head off to work, during your lunch break, or in five minutes that you close your door - or the bathroom door - to let yourself be the full glorious, beautiful and yes, tears flowing YOU…

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