Posts tagged business
EXPANSION & How We Keep Ourselves Small

Over the past year and a half - amidst our 3 weddings (Yes, 3 of them to the same amazing man!) and becoming pregnant (SQUEAL!) - I danced with the decision of whether or not to officially change my business name to my new full name post-marriage: Kelsey Fox Bennett Boyd.

When I got married I was SO excited to have four names. Four is my favorite number and I love the way my full name sounds so I legally made Fox and Bennett my two middle names and Boyd my last name. I was expanding into my new life (My body is now literally expanding with our baby, too!) and my name felt like a representation of that expansion.

I did some research before making any changes to my business name and learned that there are some folks who love having their business name be separate from their personal name. Others do not make changes because it can get complicated. And finally, many talk about making it easy on your followers - i.e. you could potentially confuse them with a name change.

All these sounded reasonable, but did they ring true for me? I wasn’t sure yet…

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A quick and easy self-care practice for busy moms

Too busy for self-care? Having trouble refilling between work and family life? Then today’s Ask Kelsey video is for you.

Our question comes from an entrepreneurial mom curious about something she can do every single day that is quick and easy to help her stay connected to herself.

Entrepreneurial mom or not, anyone who is running around forgetting to put themselves at the top of the list can benefit from this question.

Watch the video below for my answer, including a simple healing tool to help you feel connected and present that only takes 2 minutes…

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