A Different Kind Of Power: Uplifting Black Queer Voices

On this last day of Black History Month in 2024, I want to share with you my love for Black Queer voices. 

Over the past few years these voices have been so very nourishing to me. I think the main reason is because they are the most liberating voices I have experienced in all of my life. 

These incredible humans I’ve met personally, these books I’ve read, and these physical spaces I’ve inhabited created by these humans have opened a door in my heart and said, “You can truly be all of yourself. No cages, no closed doors, no walls. There is love here for everyone.” 

These voices are intersectional. They have experienced the worst of white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism from multiple angles and in spite of this fact, these humans are choosing the most inclusive and, when needed, the most fierce love I’ve ever witnessed. It’s breathtaking.

One such voice is Brandon Kyle Goodman…

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A Story of Humanity: Chanukah for Ceasefire

I am not Jewish, but on December 7th I attended Chanukah for Ceasefire, an event hosted by Rabbis4Ceasefire in New York City. 

It was an incredibly beautiful and poignant gathering. I learned so much about the Jewish faith and traditions. They had speakers to honor intentions and teachings for each night of Chanukah, all of which spoke to the need for peace, safety and freedom for both Palestinians and Israelis, for Jews and Muslims, for ALL people on this earth. 

In addition to the event itself being beautiful, powerful and needed, I was also blessed to meet and connect with incredible humans. And as per all wonderful meetings, it felt divinely guided. 

You see, I had a plan…

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The Key To Making Your Dreams Come True: Community

Lately I have been feeling quite proud of myself for making my dreams come true. While I am worthy of that pride - because I have worked hard to get clear, commit to myself, ask for help, have faith and grow along the way - it’s also massively important to note that my dreams would not have come to fruition in any way, shape or form without my community.

Our capitalist society loves to uplift the individual while forgetting the collective so I really want to dwell in the space of we for a bit. 

When I think about my children’s book (that will be shipped out to folks in November!!), every aspect of the book’s creation involved other magical humans. The idea came from a wonderful client, the characters are a collage of my real life community members, it went through many rounds of edits with friends and a professional editor, I consulted with multiple coaches both for the content of the book and for the marketing of it, my illustrator Louie Chin brought it to life in a way that I never could, it received funding from so many incredible friends and family members, it expanded beyond my immediate community to other communities thanks to so many kind humans, and it’s being printed by other incredible humans! Community at every turn. Yes, I needed to keep advocating for it. Yes, I have been the book’s champion. Yes, I was an integral part of it’s creation. And yet, if it were just me in a vacuum it would not exist. 

Last weekend I had another dream come true - a dream of going on a retreat with horses and nature. It was phenomenal. And yet again, it wasn’t just me in a vacuum. It required an orchestra of characters and support to come to fruition. My husband took on the full time care of our daughter, I depended on others to transport me to Canada, the ranch was operated by our hosts as well as volunteers from all over the world, and the retreat would not have been complete without the other attendees and of course the horses! 

Community is embedded in every step we take. Where our food comes from, what our homes are built out of, every single opportunity offered. Community is necessary for survival and for success. We need each other…

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Why I stepped away from Young Living (& other companies I’m supporting instead)

I grew up with Young Living essentials oils. They were part of my everyday joy and healing. They made me feel connected to nature and were a go-to tool in my toolbox. So in 2013 when I had the opportunity to become an essential oil distributor it felt like the natural next step. I got excited about sharing oils both because I personally loved them and because I wanted to make money. I thought it would feel easy and fun and light.

Just under a year in, someone I loved had a bad reaction to an oil and I felt scared and confused. I began to question my ability to share oils but also didn’t want to stop because I wanted the dream I was promised - a side business, easy money, abundance. Maybe it was just a fluke… Or maybe I gave someone I love something that I didn’t know enough about and caused them harm.

In an attempt to reconcile, I spent the next few years learning more about oils - and getting pulled deeper into Young Living…

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Tips To Show Up Sustainably For Your Art & Activism

Showing up for what we care about can be challenging. Why? Because we have jobs, responsibilities, families, friends, events - LIFE. 

It can also be challenging because if we care deeply, then there’s likely some fear, vulnerability and old messaging blocking us from showing up fully: Am I worthy? What if I do it wrong? Who am I to be doing this? What if people don’t like me or what I share? 

When you put yourself out there in your art or in your activism you’re essentially saying, “This is what I believe. This is what I stand for.” As a result there will be humans in the world who will not align with you, what you believe and what you stand for. These people may just not care about what you’re sharing or they might actively ridicule you and tear you down. Thus, standing up for what we believe in always comes with some level of vulnerability. 

Followup Question: How are you at being vulnerable?

For most of us I think the answer is not so great!

I learned during the Kickstarter Launch for my children’s book, Arya & Everyone Else’s Feelings, that I was way out of practice at being vulnerable. I felt scared every single day. So many old messages came up, so much fear and vulnerability. It was my childhood dream to be an author and help heal the world. Could I actually do it and feel safe? The answer was yes and no: I could do it, but I wouldn’t feel safe every step of the way and that is okay. I could return to the trust, safety and knowing that I am worthy, that my book was worthy, again and again. So that’s what I did.

And, honestly, that experience not only made me feel incredibly empowered because I showed up for my dream and for myself, it also prepared me to show up for what I believe in when it came to Here4TheKids - a movement led by BIPoC women to bring an end to the gun violence in this country…

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The School of Unlearning Podcast: The Power of Emotions

I had the pleasure of joining Elisa Haggarty on The School of Unlearning Podcast a few weeks ago and am delighted to share the now live episode with you!


If you’ve ever been told you are too sensitive or struggle to work with highly sensitive people - this podcast is for you. Kelsey and I explore the wisdom of our emotions and how we can work with them vs react blindly to them. Kelsey Fox Bennett Boyd is an Educator, Brain Gym Consultant and Author. Kelsey has been working with kids and adults, with a specialization in supporting the highly sensitive, for over a decade. In this podcast episode we introduce concepts like emotional regulation, bi-lateral stimulation and help make a case for highly sensitive people. Kelsey has written a book called, Arya & Everyone Else’s Feelings, which celebrates sensitivity and empowers readers to release the weight of other people’s feelings and feel safe and protected as they support those they care about most. Information on the kickstarter to support this invaluable book is below…

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Ways To Support Your Highly Sensitive Kid

(Before continuing you might want to read my previous post: Some Signs Your Kid Is Highly Sensitive.) 

So, you have a highly sensitive kid. Now what?

The following are my big picture recommendations from my work with highly sensitive kids both in the classroom and in private sessions over the past decade - and from being a highly sensitive kid myself. 

And honestly, the following recommendations are great for ALL kids. But/and some are even more necessary for highly sensitive ones. 


Your child was born with a more sensitive nervous system. They are not pretending to be sensitive. This is who they are and they need acceptance, love and support to thrive! 

Sensitivity is NOT the opposite of strength. Do not attempt to change them or “toughen them up.” Instead, BUILD them up with acknowledgement of both the strengths and challenges of being more sensitive and offer them tools to navigate all of the above.


If your sensitive kid needs space, give them space…

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Some Signs Your Kid Is Highly Sensitive

First and foremost it’s important to note that highly sensitive kids vary just as all kids vary. Each one has their own flare and personality. Each one’s sensitivity is expressed uniquely based on who they are, what lights them up, what type of environment they grow up in, and how their sensitivity is honored, ignored, or even shunned.

It’s also important to remember that sensitivity is a spectrum and if your child isn’t highly sensitive it does not mean they are a non-feeling machine. They are likely still compassionate, kind and aware of the world around them, but they are not innately conscious of or affected by the world as much as their highly sensitive peers. 

We all have the capacity to develop our sensitivity and awareness. But/and, we are also all born in a certain way. 

Dr. Elaine Aron began researching high sensitivity in 1991 and continues her research today. Her website and books have been helpful to many, including me, to recognize that high sensitivity is an innate trait - meaning highly sensitive people are born with a more sensitive nervous system and our brains’ work a little different. This innate trait reflects a certain type of survival strategy, that of observing before acting…

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Setbacks Are Part Of Success

I have some really exciting news:

I wrote a children’s book!

Even more exciting:

It’s already illustrated - by the incredible Louie Chin - and in 3 weeks I am launching a Kickstarter campaign to help me self-publish and share it with the world!

The book is called Arya & Everyone Else’s Feelings and I am ridiculously proud of it. Click here to learn more and get on the VIP List so you can be first in line to preorder your copy!

Bringing this book into being has been a slow and steady process spanning over 4 years!

There have been many setbacks, but I kept finding the next step and taking it - again and again and again.

At times that next step felt arduous and as if it would never fall into place…

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