Brain Gym is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation in Ventura, CA, developed by Paul and Gail Dennison. Physical therapy, yoga, acupressure, the Chinese meridian system, and the arts are all woven into this unique practice.

I am also trained in Movement Based Learning, known as Brain Gym for Special Needs, created by Cecelia Koester. These activities serve as a precursor and partner to Brain Gym, reorganizing the body and brain around a solid foundation before any higher learning can take place.

Both of these practices help all ages and abilities feel safe and integrated; support new learning; and are extraordinarily supportive when healing from trauma. I know from personal experience.

Watching a friend get hit by a car and die in front of me at age nine ended up being one of the least traumatic events of my life because I was immediately able to reconnect and rewire through Brain Gym rather than disconnect and shutdown.

I am extraordinarily blessed to have these practices as part of my healing toolbox and I know they can serve you as well.

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